Electronic Titles

Prevent fraud and cut costs with electronic title management.

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Perfect Electronic Records

We perfect a lien based on your business rules from the records received electronically from the state.

Print Electronic Records

When you request that an electronic record be printed, the title will be printed to the address on file with the state or to a third-party address based on state rules.

Release Electronic Records

At the end of a loan, you can release the lien. We’ll mail the title to the address you’ve provided if it’s allowed by the state business rules.

Electronic Title Corrections

We’ll make necessary corrections to titles based on the information you provide.

ELT Copy of Title

We’ll provide you a copy of the data the state sent to perfect the lien.

Discrepant ELT

If we find any discrepancies after reviewing a record received electronically from the state, we’ll place that record on hold. You’ll have the opportunity to do your own research and make the final decision on the record’s accuracy.

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Get Secure Title Administration for Your Business!

We provide title management services to businesses and financial institutions, not direct to customers.
If you are requesting information for personal titles, please reach out to your local DMV.